Farm Archives - Page 3 of 325 - Modern Farmer
Cows Have a Methane Problem. Dairy Farmers are Hoping New Innovations Can...

Samantha Craun oversees 1,200 acres and roughly 900 cows at her farm in eastern Tennessee.... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
June 8, 2023
Wary of Wolves, Some Western Ranchers Are Returning to Life on the...

In the fall of 2014, when the Elzinga family of Alderspring Ranch were bringing their... (more)

Sara Ventiera
June 5, 2023
Facial Recognition Technology Could Improve Livestock Health

Facial recognition technology isn’t limited to humans. Livestock are now getting their mugs snapped in... (more)

Daliah Singer
May 11, 2023
The Lambing Field

It’s midnight in the lambing field. In the darkness, we only see shapes; we notice... (more)

Frances Valdes
March 26, 2023
US Explores Vaccinating Chickens In Response to Avian Flu Outbreak

A vaccine for avian flu could be on the way to a chicken coop near... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
March 9, 2023
Meet the Modern Graziers Who Broke Into Regenerative Agriculture, No Farmland Required

When James Allen and his wife, Katie, started Heritage Graziers in the summer of 2015,... (more)

Callie Radke Stevens
February 27, 2023
AI Can Track Bees on Camera. Here’s How That Will Help Farmers

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a new way to track the insect pollinators essential to farming.... (more)

Malika Nisal Ratnayake, Adrian Dyer, and Alan Dorin, The Conversation
February 18, 2023
I Was ‘The Goose Lady.’ Then Avian Flu Came For My Flock

The first bird was on the chicken coop floor, stiff and lifeless, when I came... (more)

Kirsten Lie-Nielsen
February 14, 2023
Feed Ingredient for Dairy Cows Could Prove Harmful

Each year, New Zealand imports about 2 million tonnes of palm kernel expeller (PKE), a... (more)

Hadee Thompson-Morrison, Brett Robinson, Sally Gaw
January 7, 2023