Farm Archives - Page 2 of 325 - Modern Farmer
Where Corn and Soybeans are King, Some Farmers See ‘Unconventional’ Future

This story was originally published on Investigate Midwest. Corn and soybeans dominate the Hawkeye State’s... (more)

Pat Kinney, Investigate Midwest
November 3, 2023
How Should Gene-Edited Seeds be Regulated?

In traditional plant breeding, the pollen of one plant is added to the pollen of... (more)

Jennifer Cole
October 26, 2023
Could Salt Water Be the Solution to Future Irrigation Woes?

The vast majority—97 percent—of the earth’s water is salt water found in our oceans. Another... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
October 23, 2023
Why Seeds Matter

In mid-March 2020, California became the first state to order its nearly 40 million residents... (more)

Jennifer Jewell
September 23, 2023
The Dirt on Cover Crops

What’s cover cropping all about, anyway? As with many eco initiatives, what was old is... (more)

Daliah Singer
August 31, 2023
The Kelp Business is Booming. How Big is Too Big?

Cruising by on a boat, it’s easy to miss Jake Patryn’s farm, which looks like... (more)

Emma Loewe, Grist
August 15, 2023
Meet the Breeder On a Quest to Bring Genetic Diversity to US...

For many people, tart cherries only come to mind when it’s time to fill a... (more)

Lena Beck
August 11, 2023
Sweet Corn on a Decades-Long Decline

Sweet corn destined for the freezer or the canned food aisle has been steadily decreasing... (more)

Lena Beck
July 20, 2023
There’s No Cure for Citrus Greening. California Growers Have No Choice But...

It starts out as unnoticeable, lying dormant for two or even four years. It’s undetectable.... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
July 11, 2023