Dan Nosowitz, Author at Modern Farmer
“Farmers for Free Trade” Runs Ad During “Fox and Friends” To Get...

The commercial features a farmer from Montana and will run in D.C. and Florida, where... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
March 16, 2018
Modern Farmer’s Best of 2016: Weird Animal Stories

Goat yoga, Flea's bees, a first mate who happens to be a chicken, and many... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
December 29, 2016
Meet the Beefalo

It was once called "cattalo," which I think we can all agree is a worse... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
September 15, 2016
Meet a Woman Who Keeps 500 Plants in Her Brooklyn Apartment

"I think that the only way I've really been able to survive in New York... (more)

Dan Nosowitz
July 14, 2016
Meet The Fruit: Fraises Des Bois, the Best Strawberry You’ve Never Had

A tiny, intensely flavored berry is everything supermarket strawberries aren't.

Dan Nosowitz
June 27, 2016
Meet the Beltex, an Eternally Grumpy-Looking Sheep

It insists it's a real sheep. But just look at it.

Dan Nosowitz
February 17, 2016