Food Archives - Page 5 of 414 - Modern Farmer
The Bourbon Industry Relies on White Oaks, Which Are in Decline. Now,...

There are five key rules to follow when making bourbon whiskey. First, it must be... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
October 16, 2023
Can You Trust the Organic Food Label?

From 2014 to 2021, Minnesota farmer James Wolf raised organic soybeans, corn and wheat, selling... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
October 13, 2023
When Labels Lie

SweetRoot Farm is pitched squarely in the middle of a long and narrow mountain valley,... (more)

Lena Beck
October 11, 2023
Using a Food’s Unique Fingerprint to Detect Fraud

Let’s say there’s a food you suspect isn’t quite as advertised. Maybe that cheese that’s... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
October 10, 2023
What’s in a Name? Food Labels, Explained

Do you know what “cage-free” means? How about “free range”? “Pasture-raised”?  Some of the terms... (more)

Lena Beck
October 9, 2023
Phonies, Fakes and Food Fraud

How do you know that what you’re eating is what you think it is? Most... (more)

Modern Farmer
October 8, 2023
Opinion: It’s Time to Stop Underestimating the Scope of Food Fraud

Food fraud has been happening since humans first began to buy and sell food, thousands... (more)

Karen Constable
October 8, 2023
In the Shopping Cart

Food fraud is the act of misrepresenting or adulterating a food product, usually for financial... (more)

Lena Beck
October 8, 2023
Who Can Afford Free Food? The Limits of Freeganism

Obscene quantities of recently baked croissants, cases of non-expired milk and pallets of still-fresh produce... (more)

Samantha Maxwell
October 5, 2023